In this episode Socar, Drew, Kieran, and Jeremy join forces to answer questions culled from facebook response to our desperate call for show topics.
Many thanks to all who dropped us their questions for this episode! We had a blast discussing them.
Apologies for the lateness of this episode. Jeremy is buried in work and preparations for an event he is overseeing in his hometown so editing time was at a severe premium.
He's also been hiding in his basement in fear of ninja monkeys with guns.
We hope you enjoy the show!
Episode 102
Questions came from the following fine listeners:
Joshua ( aka Roguetaxi)
Links of note:
OSHA guidelines for optimal ergonomics ( This one's for you Roguetaxi! Plenty of great info in there).
***Don't forget to get your World Toilet Day cards ready! We'd love to see your take on what a Hallmark card would look like for that revered holiday. :)
***Share with us your convention horror stories!
note: We lost Kieran at some point in the recording. He was not devoured by his dogs as our dire imaginations had posited. The internet merely proved a fickle hellcat and stole him from us the rest of the show. He'll be back soon!